What is the best technique? DHI vs FUE vs FUT
The most frequent question is the difference between FUE vs FUT techniques. There are differences between one technique and another, in this article we will objectively analyze the techniques, so you can make your best decision.

DHI (DHI Direct Hair Implantation)
Follicles are extracted one by one from the donor area using a disposable tool designed specifically for this type of FUE procedure, with a diameter of 1mm or less.
The extracted follicles are collected and stored at a specific temperature, in a special solution that stimulates their growth after being implanted.
With the exclusive patented tool “The DHI Implanter”, each follicle is implanted one by one with the right direction, depth and angle according to the affected area allowing 100% Natural Results.

FUE (Folicular Unit Extraction)
Back in 2002, DHI Global Medical Group introduced the technique known today as Folicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Which was no longer practiced as soon as the new technique of Direct Hair Implantation was developed, this has proven to be a more effective technique than the regular FUE procedure.
Follicles are extracted one by one from the donor area, one by one, follicle by follicule.
Commonly collected follicles are divided using a microscope, increasing the possibility of damage and viability.
Recipient Holes:
The implantation area is prepared by making holes and slots that will house the follicles in the next step, which can cause more swelling and bleeding and in some cases can cause unnatural looking hair.
Follicles are implanted in the slots and holes made previously, by using tweezers to insert the follicles in the recipient holes which because of so much manipulation can reduce the viability and success rate.

FUT (Strip Harvesting)
The hair implant strip technique (FUT) is the oldest of all and unfortunately the most used to date. DHI Global Medical Group stopped using it since 2002, after developing the FUE technique.
Skin Extraction:
An about 20 to 25 cm long and 1 to 2.5 cm high strip is removed of the scalp from the donor area. Skin, muscles, nerves and blood vessels are cut in the process wich makes this procedure very invasive and painful.
Follicles are extracted from the strip of skin removed from the scalp. This process can damage the follicules and reduce the viability and success rate.
Commonly collected follicles are divided using a microscope, increasing the possibility of damaging them which in turn reduces the viability rate.
Recipent Holes:
Implantation area is prepared by making holes and slots that will house the follicles in the next step which can cause more swelling and bleeding and in some cases can cause unnatural looking hair.
Extraction phase:
Follicles are extracted one by one from the donor area using our disposable tool of 1mm diameter (or less) and they are conserved at a specific temperature in a special solution that stimulates their growth.
Implanting Phase:
Follicles are implanted directly into the affected region of the scalp. There is no need to make holes or previous cuts to place the follicle. We at DHI have eliminated the need for prior recipient holes, wich are still used in procedures today.
Natural appearance:
The DHI method allows complete control of the depth, direction and angle of each graft, ensuring that the implanted hair will not fall out and grow 100% naturally for life.
Today we can say with complete certainty, from the experience that precedes us, that the DHI method is superior in all aspects to all
other existing procedures.