The main fear that revolves around the hair implant procedure is without a doubt the scars. The first hair transplant techniques, such as the FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant), did a cut of skin from ear to ear, to extract the follicles to be implanted, which left a huge and not at all aesthetic scar on the patient. These first references to hair restoration methods became part of popular belief, generating fear and displeasure. However, 80 years after the first hair implant in history, thanks to the advancement of technology and the high demand for solutions for hair loss, the advance in surgical techniques leave the scars in the past.

Nowadays the techniques of extraction and implantation of follicles are much simpler, they do not cause pain and most importantly they do not leave permanent scars.

In case you are considering having a hair restoration procedure, the DHI Panama Clinic in Latin America advises you to take into account:

Nowadays the techniques of extraction and implantation of follicles are much simpler, they do not cause pain and most importantly they do not leave permanent scars.

In case you are considering having a hair restoration procedure, the DHI Panama Clinic in Latin America advises you to take into account:

  • The type of alopecia or hair loss suffered by the patient.
  • The patient’s real expectations and needs
  • State of the hair donor zone
  • Technique used
  • Experience and Results.


To reactivate hair growth in areas affected by alopecia, follicles are removed from the back of the head (known as the donor area) and reinserted into bald areas. Hair that grows in the donor area is genetically resistant to the hormone produced by alopecia, so it will not fall out and grow naturally for the rest of your life.



With the help of a special tool, circular incisions are made around groups of follicles, in order to extract them from the scalp. This leaves a small white scar, little detectable. With this technique the recovery is faster than with the FUT technique.

La verdad detrás del Implante de Cabello FUE


Method in which a strip of skin is removed from the back of the head. Then, under a microscope, the follicles are divided with a scalpel to be reimplanted in areas with hair loss. This technique is the most economical of all, but it leaves a very visible scar and the follicles run the risk of being mistreated at the time of their division.

La verdad detrás del Implante de Cabello FUT


Since its inception in 1970, DHI Global Medical Group has been a pioneer in the education, research, diagnosis and treatment of hair loss.

With more than 75 clinics in 42 countries, we were the first to implement surgical procedure standards (PCOS) in each hair treatment, to ensure safety, quality and excellent results all the time.

Today the DHI technique is considered, the main reference in the hair implant industry. Our minimally invasive technique does not make cuts or sutures and much less leave scars.

La verdad detrás del Implante de Cabello FUT

The extraction of follicles in all our DHI hair clinics, is done through a tool with a tip with a diameter of 1mm or less, which guarantees that there will be no visible traces of the procedure.

In the same way, each follicle is implanted in the correct direction, angle and depth, thanks to the use of the exclusive DHI implant.

DHI in Latin America has shown that recovering hair can be a safe, effective process with 100% natural results.

Schedule your appointment at 399-6633 or fill out our contact form.