Perder Cabello a los 23 años

Losing Hair at 23.

Losing Hair at 23. Did you know that some people lose hair at their 20? A key cause of premature baldness is male pattern baldness, which is a genetic disease also known as androgenetic alopecia. Androgenetic alopecia affects men and women of different age groups.

Is hair loss normal in your 20s?

Baldness usually occurs gradually by the age of 20 or at puberty. Some of the initial symptoms of premature baldness are receding of the hairline or thinning of the hair. Remember, this type of baldness is common among young people and is normal.
According to the American Hair Loss Association, 25% of men have some degree of male pattern baldness before the age of 20-21.

Causes of baldness in your 20s

The leading cause of baldness in the 1920s is hereditary / male pattern baldness. Other common causes include poor diet and nutrition, excessive alcohol use, smoking, stress, and certain medical conditions.

Methods to prevent baldness

On the internet, many methods and formulas are promoted to stop hair loss, but the reality is that the only effective and permanent method is a hair transplant. At this point, the DHI technique is the one that offers the best results with a shorter period of recovery time.

Learn more about the DHI technique here: DHI vs FUE & FUT.

If you are concerned about the way your hair has been falling out, contact us at DHI Panama, you can have a free online consultation through WhatsApp 6349-5550; filling out our contact form or writing to the website chat.