DHT y la alopecia androgénica

DHT and androgenic alopecia

DHT and androgenic alopecia: When testosterone comes in contact with the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, DHT or Dihydrotestosterone, as it is also known, is produced. This is the male hormone responsible for the development of certain characteristics in the man’s body: such as chest hair, low voice, or muscles. It should be noted that women also produce DHT, but in lower amounts.


In order for testosterone to reach tissues such as the skin, it must be converted to dihydrotestosterone through contact with the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. The increase in the production of dihydrotestosterone can be influenced by internal or external factors, for example, stress releases the hormone cortisol in large amounts, which increases the production of adrenaline testosterone and therefore dihydrotestosterone.


DHT binds to androgen receptors in the follicles, altering the normal cycle of hair growth and resulting in miniaturization and thinning of hair.

The frontal hairline, the temple and the crown area are the first to be affected, gradually spreading to form a kind of horseshoe.


Although there are very effective drugs to block the production of DHT in the scalp, such as Finasteride, many men prefer to avoid its use due to ideas or urban myths that surround it. To clarify the whole topic about Finasteride we invite you to read more here.

Today we will delve into the natural DHT blockers, which will help you slow down hair loss.

  1. Blueberries: Are rich in Vitamin C, which is essential for good blood circulation to the hair follicles. In addition, they stimulate hair growth, by accelerating the transition from the Telogen to Anagen phase.
  2. Avocados: Avocado is one of the best natural DHT blockers. Its fat penetrates the follicle and keeps it well hydrated, which helps to strengthen it. It is rich in protein, amino acids, magnesium, folic acid and iron, all important and necessary elements for healthy hair growth.
  3. Almonds: Rich in protein and a good source of biotin. They strengthen the hair, thanks to its Vitamin E.
  4. Tomato: The lycopene found in tomato inhibits the production of dihydrotestosterone. Tomato antioxidants destroy the effects of cells that damage hair and cause it to fall out.
  5. Eggs: Another food rich in Biotin. Eggs contain cysteine, a key amino acid for hair growth. It is important to note that cooked eggs act more like DHT blockers than raw eggs.
  6. Pumpkin seeds: Contains a unique amino acid, cucurbitin, which aids in hair growth. Also its fatty acids: L-lysine, iron and omega 3 (linoleic acid and oleic acid) improve hair growth, quality and texture.
  7. Green Tea: Contains Vitamin B, which is commonly used in conditioners, it is also rich in antioxidants that stimulate hair growth.