Female Hair Treatments & Restoration in Panama

Our female hair treatments & restoration in Panama are based on platelet rich plasma therapy which is designed to thicken and strengthen already existing hair follicles through PRP stimulation growth therapy in the patient. PRP therapy is a new and revolutionary method which our qualified and highly trained practitioners implement in our Panama clinic through injecting your own platelet enriched plasma multiplied by a factor of 4 to 5 times its original amount, into the scalp.

Due to the nature of the platelet rich plasma therapy, the method guarantees the correct platelet rich plasma for the correct host. Also, our Panama PRP therapy solutions help to not only strengthen your existing hair follicles but also serve to boost any inactive follicles. As such, the method has the potential for stimulating the growth of new hairs from sources which may otherwise lay dormant and eventually die out.



How do we administer PRP to the patient?

A small amount of blood is taken (less than 20ml) from the patient/client. Platelet Rich Plasma is isolated using a centrifuge machine to separate it from the red blood cells. Then the separated enriched Platelets are multiplied by a factor of 4 to 5 times its original amount. The PRP is activated with DNA activators (thrombin) and enriched with calcium ions (calcium chloride). Lastly, PRP is then carefully injected into the areas that are suffering from hair loss in order to stimulate growth.


Is the treatment painful?

No, the treatment is not painful however some swelling may occur post treatment but that will subside after 3 to 6 hours, anti-inflammatory medication may be taken to assist the swelling.

Who performs the treatment?

Female Hair Treatments & Restoration in Panama are performed by a DHI qualified and certified medical doctor who specialises in hair transplants, the DHI surgeons have been trained at our own London academy for hair restoration.

When will I see results?

You will begin to see results from 16 weeks post treatment, regular active reviews will be required with your DHI Consultant.

How will I know if I am a suitable candidate?

All treatment options will be explored and discussed at your consultation with your DHI Consultant who will conclude your consultation with a written report and treatment plan.

Is the treatment worthwhile?

The treatment protects vulnerable follicles from hair loss and improved hair growth following Direct Hair Implantation. PRP has been proven to give very promising results in a short while, and in some cases from testimonials has been said to be well worth the time and money spent with this new PRP therapy that did not exist up until a few past years ago.


Contact us now to find out how we can help you for Female Hair Treatments & Restoration in Panama.